Driving home after work through the snow-touched Iowa countryside, I looked to the west and saw deep pink, broad brushstrokes in the sky. I praised God and told Him I didn't know why He made the sky that way, but I was glad He did.
I was listening to Pastor Chip Ingram on my OnePlace app, as he shared about an encouraging mentor in his life. The man he spoke of, opened a conversation with a booming greeting, and asked if Chip was rejoicing in the Lord. Joyful, and direct. Very nice combination.
I'm still driving, of course, and Chip turned the question on his listeners. Am I rejoicing? What a coincidence. As a matter of fact, yes. (If you know me, you know I know better than coincidences.)
Well, yeah, I told Chip, right there in my '08 Rondo. "How could I not? Look at that sky." Yes, I pointed. Poor Chip couldn't see. A deep pink Iowa sunset over a farm field covered in snow - the contrast - indeed it prompts praise in the heart of a believer.
Then God shows me something else. Deer. They're common, but dotting the field, they're a special sign of life on a cold day. However, two deer stood on their hind legs facing each other, their soft, white undersides plain to see, a fight. Ah, fighting in the wild. Not an everyday sight, especially when I'm normally drilling my eyes down the highway on my commute home. It was a beautiful moment, that deepened into an amped up moment of wonder.
I saw the a pink, winter sunset, the ritual of deer vying for victory, and heard a great message about surrounding yourself with encouraging, honest, noteworthy people as mentors. It reminded me to set up a supper with my own wise and loving mentor. This all happened in the span of a 35-minute drive. Not bad, Lord.
God gave me these moments. He redeems the time it takes me to get to and from work, because I make a point to look for Him and welcome Him. Seeing the good side of nature, feeling His presence during the winter, now that's evidence of God's wonder.
The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. 1 Cor. 10:26